When Can You Call Yourself a Seattleite?

So you've moved to Seattle, fallen in love with the lush green landscapes, and embraced the laid-back Pacific Northwest lifestyle. But at what point can you truly call yourself a Seattleite? As a transplant myself who has called the Emerald City home for over a decade, I've pondered this question and gathered insights from longtime locals. Here's when you can claim the coveted Seattleite status.

When Can You Call Yourself a Seattleite?

Are You a True Seattleite? The Essentials of the Local Look

You own a Subaru and a puffy vest. Seattleites love their practical yet trendy Subarus for exploring the great outdoors in any weather. Pair it with a puffy vest for the ultimate Seattle uniform that transitions seamlessly from a hike to a craft brewery.

Learning to Love the Gray Skies

You've learned to love the gray skies. Seattleites don't let the drizzly weather stop them from getting outside and being active. In fact, 64% of PNW residents say they enjoy the often cloudy climate. Bust out that Gore-Tex jacket and embrace the moody weather like a true local.

A City Fueled by Caffeine Love

You get jittery if you're more than 5 feet from a coffee shop. With Seattle being the birthplace of Starbucks and home to hundreds of cozy independent cafes, we are a city fueled by caffeine. Seattleites have the highest coffee consumption per capita in the U.S. Once you find yourself debating single-origin pour-overs, you're on your way to becoming a local.

Overcoming the Seattle Freeze

You give fellow Seattleites space. Ah, the infamous "Seattle Freeze", that polite but distant vibe from locals that transplants often remark on. Seattleites value their personal space and aren't always the chattiest with strangers. But once you break into the inner circle, you'll find a solid community of genuine friends.

Mastering the Art of Umbrella Avoidance

You're an expert at dodging umbrellas. Despite the rainy reputation, true Seattleites rarely use umbrellas, with 62% saying they never or seldom use one. Opt for a waterproof jacket with a hood instead - much more practical in our windy, drizzly weather. If you can navigate a busy sidewalk with nary an umbrella in sight, welcome to the club.

When You Can Dodge Seattle Traffic, You're One of Us

You've come to terms with our horrendous traffic. Seattle has some of the worst traffic congestion in the nation, which has been exacerbated by the tech boom and influx of transplants. Once you know twelve alternate routes to get anywhere and have perfected the art of defensive merging, you're well on your way to native status.

Are You a Seattleite Yet? How to Know When You Belong

So how long until you're officially a Seattleite? Some say you need to have lived over half your life here. Others argue you earn your stripes after surviving a few rainy winters. But perhaps it's more of a mindset - embracing the quirks, connecting with the community, and thriving in our glorious outdoor playground.

Whether you're a bright-eyed newcomer or a seasoned local, there's no denying Seattle gets under your skin in the best possible way. So grab a craft beer, plan a hike that you may flake on, and know that you're part of the fabric of this ever-changing, dynamic, beautiful city we call home.

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