What Are Seattle's Top Tech Gadgets for Pet-Friendly Cleaning?

As a pet owner and someone living in Seattle, you know the Herculean task of keeping your home clean from your pet's activities. Our furry friends can make a lot of mess with their shedding fur and muddy paws. Of course, with the emerging tech for pets, there has never been a better time than now for you to maintain a sparkling home. So let's dive into some of the best innovative tech gadgets in this area.

1. Robotic Vacuums

Among the best-selling pet technology gadgets today are robotic vacuum cleaners, those smart devices that move on their own around the house, picking up dirt, dust, and pet hair. Most robotic cleaners, such as the iRobot Roomba i7+, have a self-emptying dustbin, so you can use the vacuum for weeks without needing to empty it.

If you're after a robot vacuum that works well for pets, choose one with powerful suction capabilities and specialized brushes that can collect pet hair. Some even allow for the setting of virtual boundaries, like the Neato Botvac D7 Connected, which lets you control exactly where and where not to clean ᅳ perfect for around your pet's bowls of food and water.

2. Air Purifiers

Pet dander and odors can be a big issue for pet owners, especially allergic ones. An air purifier keeps those allergens out, which may be harmful to the health of a person and a pet, hence providing a healthy environment for both of you.

If you do buy an air purifier, make sure it has HEPA filters, trapping the smallest particles, like pet dander. Some air purifiers, such as the Alen BreatheSmart 45i, even come with special filters designed to combat pet odors.

3. Self-cleaning Litter

Scooping the litter box has to be one of the most unenjoyable tasks that life has to offer cat owners. These are high-tech gadgets that self-clean, like the Litter-Robot 3 Connect, and automatically rake via the litter after every use. It separates the waste from the clean litter and then deposits it into a sealed waste drawer.

Self-cleaning litter boxes save you time and energy, as they maintain cleanliness and reduce odor in the house. Some even go the mile of connecting with your phone so that you are able to monitor when your cat goes to do their business, and even get an alert when the waste drawer is finally full.

4. Professional Carpet Cleaning Services

Pet tech gadgets certainly make the cleaning easier, but sometimes you just need a little bit more help. All this is where professional cleaning services like Seattle Cleaners come in. Their experienced cleaners use only the best and latest pet-safe products and techniques to assure a healthy environment - one in which pet stains and their notorious odors can be very tough to eliminate.

Choose one of the species-friendly cleaning services which uses pet-safe, eco-friendly, and non-toxic cleaning products. In fact, many even offer specialized packages for people with pets, like Seattle Cleaners, who will make sure that your house is entirely sterilized and cleaned.


As a resident of Seattle, thanks to modern pet technology and services, you would never have to choose between a clean home or a happy pet. From robotic vacuums to self-cleaning cat boxes, pet-friendly cleaning is easy and effortlessly up-to-date with their best-in-class solutions. So why not give them a try and see the difference they can make in your home?

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