How Can You Prepare For a Long-Distance Move

Start Planning Early

As soon as you know you're moving, make a plan and timeline working backward from your ideal arrival date. Stay organized by keeping to-do lists, calendars, receipts, and estimates in one central file. The earlier you start, the less stressful the process will be.

How Can You Prepare For a Long-Distance Move

Declutter and Downsize

Moving is the perfect opportunity to get rid of items you no longer need or use. Go through your belongings and sell, donate, or dispose of anything you don't want to bring to your new home. This will save you time and money on packing and transportation.

Hire a Reputable Moving Company

Research and get in-home estimates from at least three different moving companies.Make sure they are licensed and insured for long-distance moves. Read reviews and ask for references. Don't automatically go with the cheapest option - you want a company you can trust with your belongings.

Pack Strategically

Make an inventory list of everything you own. Label boxes clearly with contents and destination room. Use plenty of packing paper, bubble wrap, blankets and towels to protect fragile items. Pack a separate box of essentials you'll need immediately upon arrival, like toiletries, medications, chargers, a few dishes, and changes of clothes.

Make Travel Arrangements

If driving, plan your route and book hotels along the way. Make flight and car rental reservations if needed. If traveling separately from your belongings, carry valuable or sentimental items with you. Make arrangements for pet transportation and gather their medical records.

Prepare Your New Home

Contact utility companies to set up services at your new address. Fill out a change of address form with USPS. Update your driver's license and vehicle registration. If possible, visit your new home before the move to decide on furniture placement and get a sense of storage.

Take Care of Yourself

Make time to say proper goodbyes to friends, neighbors and favorite places. Keep kids involved by having them pack a box of their most treasured items.

Stay hydrated and well-rested in the days leading up to the move. Consider scheduling a move-out cleaning service to help alleviate some of the stress. Be flexible and willing to roll with the punches—moving is stressful, but you will get through it!

With some strategic planning and preparation, your long-distance move can be efficient and even enjoyable. Remember, you're embarking on an exciting new chapter. Focus on the positive and look forward to exploring your new home!


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